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Little Nindroid 

by Sword of Robotics 

Category: Ninjago 
Genre: Family, Supernatural 
Language: English 
Characters: Zane 
Status: In-Progress 
Published: 2014-12-29 18:54:28 
Updated: 2014-12-29 18:54:28 
Packaged: 2016-04-27 06:43:58 
Rating: K+ 

Chapters : 1 
Words: 478 


Summary: Zane's always wanted to have a childhood, but he never could 
because he was built as a grown up. While he is thinking about his 
wish, Ninjago' s Shooting Star Festival begins. As the festival 
commences, a shooting star goes off course and lands in Birchwood 
Forest. Zane finds the star and touches it, turning him into a seven 
year old. What will become of the little nindroid? 

Little Nindroid 

**What is up my robotics swordians? Sword of Robotics here with a 
story that I've been wanting to do for a bit, but it's only now that 
I have found the time to publish. Here's the full summary: ** 

Zane, who was already grown up when he was first built, has always 
wished that he could live a childhood experience. But science, 
technology, or society hasn't come far enough to help him. However, 
during Ninjago 's Shooting Star Festival, a special star goes off 
course and lands in Birchwood Forest. Zane, who was taking a stroll 
down memory lane in the forest, finds the fallen star and touches it, 
causing him to black out. When he awakens, he finds himself in an 
seven year old version of his body. Will Zane ever change back? Or 
will he want to stay as a child to find out what it's like to be 

**Now, I know you guys hate it when people do this, but the story 
won't begin until next chapter. I only have time to write that full 
summary right now. But hopefully I'll get the first chapter up later 
today. ** 

**By the way, I have to tell you guys about something I found. And 

seriously this... this is like the biggest coincidence ever. Lee 

Tockar, the guy who voices Cyrus Borg is... get this... he's voicing a 
character in the Ratchet and Clank Movie, Mr. Micron) . ****i nearly 
crapped a brick when I found this out. ** 

**0h, I guess while I'm here, I might as well tell you what I got for 

**-PokA©mon Alpha Sapphire (I like Mudkipz) ** 

**-Super Smash Bros, for 3DS (And about this game. I actually made 
Swords a Mii Swordsman character. So if any of you wanna fight it out 
in Smash Bros, against Swords, leave your friend code in the 
reviews . ) * * 

**-Animal Crossing New Leaf (It's extraordinarily addicting)** 

* * -A necklace (It's like a flat stone with sapphire and ambers on 

**-3 bracelets (One it crystal hearts with shiny gray stones, the 
other two are crystal and purple gems) ** 

**- The LEGO Movie** 

**-Despicable Me 2** 

**-How to Train Your Dragon 2** 

**-The Doctor Who Christmas Special** 

**-Adventure Time DVD (it has like... six episodes on it)** 

**-The complete second season of Courage the Cowardly Dog** 

**-The Hunger Games Catching Fire** 

* * -A 16 inch plasma flat screen TV ** 

**-The first three Ratchet and Clank games (I love my 
brother) * * 

**-And a $35 gift card to the Rave Motion Pictures Movie Theater (I 
don't care if the movie is coming out in 2015, I wanna be 
prepared !)*** *What did you guys get for Christmas?** 

**Make sure to leave a review while picking up your complementary toy 

**This is Sword of Robotics, Lordess of Robotic Swordness, protector 
of technology, signing off!** 

f ile .